Forbes Names Rachel Druckenmiller a Next1000 Honoree for 2021

What a way to end the year! I’ve been honored to receive recognition by Forbes as a Next1000 Honoree for 2021.


This initiative shines a light on entrepreneurial heroes and showcases the ambitious sole proprietors, self-funded shops and pre-revenue startups in every region of the countryβ€”all with under $10 million in revenue or funding and infinite drive and hustle.

When I decided to leave my full-time corporate job of 13 years in September 2019 to launch my company, UNMUTED, I had no idea what was ahead of me.

It felt like a risk to leave a predictable paycheck and 401k contributions, but it felt like a BIGGER risk to stay and to betray my vision for my life...

To be an entrepreneur.

I grew up watching both of my parents run their own businesses, and their example inspired me to believe I could be my own boss, but for so many years I doubted myself and hesitated making my dream a reality.

I didn't go for what I really wanted. I let fear take charge and hold me back.

I wondered if I was good enough...knew enough...had enough of what it took to succeed.

All of us do that sometimes, don't we?

We doubt ourselves and question our worth and value.

We stay stuck because the fear of change or rejection is greater than our willingness to bet on ourselves and go after the life we want.

Sometimes, staying in the comfort of what we know holds us back from the possibilities of the future and doing the work we're called to do.

Stepping into a space of possibilities is energizing and mobilizing.

And when we take action, clarity tends to follow.

Being an entrepreneur isn't easy, and it's been trial by fire for sure...

🦠 A global pandemic that resulted in me losing 80% of my business when the lockdowns hit

πŸ’» Shifting my entire speaking business from 100% in person to 100% virtual in a matter of weeks

πŸš— Dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic car accident, back fracture and PTSD

I didn't have anything to fall back on when all of that hit.

I had to figure out what to do, and I chose to...

πŸ‘‰ Adapt and iterate
πŸ‘‰ Ask for and receive help
πŸ‘‰ Be my own advocate and put myself out there
πŸ‘‰ Keep rising up and showing up, no matter how many times I fall

That's why I am C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-I-N-G this recognition from Forbes!

Congratulations to all the other bold and inspiring entrepreneurs who are redefining what it means to run a business today!

πŸŽ‰ What's something YOU are celebrating as the year comes to a close? Share with us below!

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