Unmuted Life Resources
Living an unmuted life is about uncovering your blind spots, illuminating your strengths, asking for what you need and want at work and at home, giving yourself permission to be seen and heard, advocating for yourself and others, doing more of what brings you life and joy, and expressing gratitude.
Living unmuted is also about listening to your body and what it needs, so you don’t end up sick and burned out, as I have many times. Check out some of my favorite books and assessments that have helped me step into my fullest life.
Want to learn more about my journey, lessons learned and insights on wellbeing, leadership and employee engagement? Listen to these podcast interviews.
Rachel’s Reading List
I’ve always loved to read and truly believe “learners are earners” and “readers are leaders.” Check out some of my top book recommendations on relationships, leadership, wellbeing and spirituality, and living an unmuted life.
My Favorite Assessments
As a Psychology major and someone who is endlessly fascinated by what makes people tick, I LOVE taking assessments to learn more about myself and others. These assessments help us build self-awareness and give us language to communicate our strengths and challenges. Here are a few of my favorites:
Predictive Index (PI)
This was the tool that made me realize I was MUTING myself. The PI Behavioral Assessment is an untimed, free-choice, stimulus-response tool that measures a person’s motivating drives and needs.
*Complete free assessment here.
Taken by over 21 million people, this assessment helps you discover what you naturally do best, learn how to develop your greatest talents, and use your customized results to live your best life. Gallup research finds that people who use their CliftonStrengths are more engaged and productive at work and 3x more likely than others to have an excellent quality of life.
*Complete paid assessment here.
VIA Character Strengths
This is a scientifically validated psychological assessment designed to identify an individual's profile of character strengths. When you discover your greatest strengths, you learn to use them to handle stress and life challenges, become happier, and develop relationships with those who matter most to you.
*Complete free assessment here.
The Enneagram is a system of nine personality types combining traditional wisdom with modern psychology - a powerful tool for understanding ourselves and the people in our lives - with three major applications: personal and spiritual growth; successful relationships at home and at work; leadership development, team building and communication skills for business.
*Complete free assessment here.